Embrace Breathwork

Welcome to a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery through trauma-informed Breathwork. I guide you on a path to profound healing, clarity, and spiritual insight. Through intentional breathwork practices, we create a safe space for you to release trauma, explore your inner landscape, and connect with your innate wisdom. Your breath is a gateway to healing, and together, we navigate the transformative potential it holds. If you have found your way here, I believe that you are dedicated to embracing the journey home to yourself.



Hey Loves!

I'm Lo Bundy


With 15 years of nursing experience, a background as a personal trainer and online coach, and a deep commitment to trauma-informed Breathwork, I bring a holistic approach to well-being. As a proud mom of two & 2 baby kitties, my passion for health extends beyond conventional boundaries. Whether lifting weights in the gym or finding tranquility through yoga, I embrace diverse paths to wellness. Join me on a transformative journey, where breathwork becomes a catalyst for healing and find a celebration of your body's incredible potential.


Private coaching


6 week 1:1 Private Container
12 week 1:1 private container
Single Session / 90min

Embark on a transformative journey with personalized 1:1 Breathwork Coaching. Tailored to your unique needs. This private container combines trauma-informed guidance, breathwork practices, & compassionate support through Unlimited Integration throughout your duration on Voxer. Experience profound healing, gain clarity, & cultivate resilience in a safe & nurturing space. Your journey to well-being & a regulated
Nervous System starts here. Book a Complimentary Discovery Call today to see if I’m the best match for you.

“ This was my first real experience with breath work and I was very nervous going into it as I wasn’t sure what to fully expect or what was going to come up for me. Lora instantly made me feel safe and comfortable and the session flew by. During I felt fully present and at peace and was able to release some things that I’ve been holding on to and I even got emotional at one point. After the session was over I was super tired for about an hour or 2 and then bounced right back and was in the happiest mood. I have been feeling more aligned and happy ever since this session which is opposite to what I was feeling previously. I feel like it subconsciously got me to release things that I didn’t know how to or didn’t know were there. Lora is amazing at what she does and I would recommend her to just about anyone no matter what they’re going through. I feel more connected to myself since this session and I would love to do another one in the future” - M.Swales


Client Testimonials

“ Lo has such a gentle way of holding space for deep transformation. With her guidance, I was able to unearth fears & resistance that had been long buried & holding me back & then receive wisdom from within to move me forward. Lo makes doing the deep work feel incredibly safe - you can just feel how she’s there with you every step of the way, leading you to uncover what your soul wants you to know.” - N. Diaz

“ As a mystic and seer working in high profile events, it’s necessary to have your own team of practitioners that support your nervous system and medicine. I was in between Quantum Activations and a Live Medium Ship event and my soul knew I required a practise to drop me back into my own field, to ground me in my body yet expand my awareness back into the either in a different way and dimension. Lo held a beautiful and sacred breathwork space for me reconnecting me into a different space for the next event which is exactly what my mind, body and soul required. Her guidance dropped me into a quantum activation that aligned with exactly what I needed to step back into the show. Whether you’re new to this practise or seasoned, I highly recommend investing with her medicine. I am so blessed to have found her Thank you, see you next show ⁃ N. Nivens

Client Testimonials

“ Your Breathwork class was something I never experienced before. A terrific experience. Truthfully, I was a bit skeptical when I first thought about trying it but that went away when we started. I was able to release a lot of stress with your help, & it helped me to focus internally on some heavy stuff I’ve been carrying around. I have always struggled to meditate but breathwork helped me to relax & release in a way I was not able to do so before on my own.” - E. Harker


“ Your Breathwork class was something I never experienced before. A terrific experience. Truthfully, I was a bit skeptical when I first thought about trying it but that went away when we started. I was able to release a lot of stress with your help, & it helped me to focus internally on some heavy stuff I’ve been carrying around. I have always struggled to meditate but breathwork helped me to relax & release in a way I was not able to do so before on my own.” - E. Harker


Client Testimonials


“ That was INCREDIBLE!! I have not been able to cry or release emotions in months & during the breathwork session I bawled my eyes out, it felt soooo refreshing. It was so powerful. I just wnted to thank you so so much & let you know how amaxing of a woman you are.” - M. Lewis


“ I loved your choice of music the words flowed from your mouth with peace. I loved how supportive you were in the integration as if you were talking to our souls and really wanted to hear what we had to say!” - L. L


" I have been feeling very stressed and anxious lately. I have started to venture into the exploration of Breathwork. "Attending Lo’s breathwork session was beyond relaxing. Her calm voice and soft music in the back ground really connected me to my breath. Having the que’s and reminders about the breathing when your in the breathwork part is super helpful because its easy to forget to take the breaths. I found this session so helpful to recenter me reconnect me and bring me back to a clam state of mind, even after the session for the next few days I felt re balances and connected to my hearth, to my breath and able to walk a little more calmly through my day.” - Anonymus


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